Base Layer
- Title
- Marine Spatial Planning Tools for Turks and Caicos
- Description
- The WebGIS for Marine Spatial Planning (msp) in Turks and Caicos Islands. This WebGIS is a tool for stakeholders to visualise the spatial data available for the islands. It allows users to display and explore the varous layers and infromation and overlap different information on a map to analyze the environment and human activities that occurs in the area. The msp WebGIS have been created during the project "Developing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) tools for Turks and Caicos" funded by Darwin Plus (project DPLUS094)
- Organization
- mgorny (at)
- Projection
- EPSG:4326
- Extent
- -80, 5, -60, 40
- Web Map Service
- WMS Url
- WMTS Url