
  • project image
    Baseline webmap

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South Atlantic UKOTs Protected Areas

  • project image
    Protected Areas in the South Atlantic UKOTs April 2016

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Saint Helena Habitat Mapping

  • project image
    Habitat Map of Saint Helena

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Montserrat Baseline

  • project image
    Baseline webmap

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Natural Capital Assessment

  • project image
    Land-use model for Saint Helena

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SAERI Darwin Initiative projects

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    Coastal Habitat Mapping of the Falkland Islands

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    marine spatial planning

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Falkland Islands webmaps

  • project image
    Falkand Islands Natural Capital Assessment

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Dockyard Museum

  • project image
    Historical Heritage Sites of the Falkland Islands

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Falkland Islands

  • project image
    Citizen science seaweeds identification map

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    Falkland Islands Renewable Energy web project

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Marine Spatial Planning (open access)

  • project image
    Marine Spatial Planning Tools for Turks and Caicos

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  • project image
    Marine Spatial Planning Tools for Turks and Caicos

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Marine Spatial Planning (Swimming Zones)

  • project image
    Marine Spatial Planning Tools for Turks and Caicos

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Falkland Island DCS

  • project image
    Falkland Islands DCS WebGIS

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Soil Mapping

  • project image
    Falkland Islands soil mapping

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Soil Mapping

  • project image
    Falkland Islands soil mapping

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Walvis Ridge WebGIS

  • project image
    Walvis Ridge Rigorous Environmental and Social Baseline

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  Base Layer

project image

Marine spatial planning - Megafauna 

This online tool presents the results from a sub-project part of the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) project focussing on identifying key areas for marine megafauna in the Falkland Islands’ waters to inform MSP. The study was conducted in collaboration between SAERI and BirdLife International and funded by Darwin Plus (project DPLUS027). Some layers representing the distribution of human activities can be overlapped with the individual species’ core-use areas. The analyses involved combining tracking and at-sea sighting data, Kernel analyses, extrapolation to non-tracked colonies using simple distance-bathymetry models and weighed average with conservation status and data quality scores (an upcoming publication will detail the analytical framework).  


aauge (at) 



-449068.14849812304601073, 3607197.70115814032033086, 1627828.76476822863332927, 4744706.45832673273980618

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